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Factors Affect Price of Dental Implants

Dental implant cost

What can Factors Affect Price of Dental Implants

If you have lost one or more of your natural teeth, it’s vital to reach out to a professional as soon as you can. It’s one of the most traumatic experiences for an individual since it affects both your mental and physical health. Without having a shiny smile, you can’t feel confident enough to talk and laugh in a friend group and tend to hide your teeth, which makes you uncomfortable. The solution is receiving a proper replacement based on your requirements and condition to perfect your smile again. You can visit our experts at Vancouver Dental Implant Centre for the highest quality of services and prevent all possible complications. Besides all the benefits implant dentistry offers, many may still refuse it because they find this treatment too expensive to afford. As a matter of fact, this procedure may not be affordable for many due to its high level of complexity. But it’s a fantastic investment for the future, and the results are worth all your money. You can also visit our experienced implant dentists in Vancouver and ask for the proper payment plans we offer. If you don’t understand the high price of these services, we can explain the factors affecting the price to help you make the wisest decision.

Factors Affect Price of Dental Implants

Number of Posts: The price you should pay depends on the number of missing teeth in your mouth. For instance, a patient with one lost tooth can choose our single-tooth implant in Vancouver, which costs them less money compared to the time they have multiple missing teeth. On the other hand, choosing some of our services, such as our all-on-4 implants in Vancouver, inevitably drives up the cost. That’s why some patients may prefer to pick alternatives like bridges or dentures when they can’t afford these options.


Vancouver, Burnaby, Langley, New Westminster, Downtown Vancouver

Patient’s Oral Wellness: You should have a healthy mouth before starting this procedure. If your gums are infected or you have experienced severe trauma to your mouth, you aren’t a good candidate. Sometimes, the implant dentist may refer you to our emergency specialists in Vancouver so you can restore your oral health first.

Material: The common combination of implants is a titanium post and a ceramic crown together. We usually recommend our titanium dental implants in Vancouver because this type of mentality can fuse with your jawbone well. However, some patients prefer other options, such as our Vancouver ceramic implants, especially when they have allergies to a mental. Each one has a different price and can change the final payment.

Bone Grafting: If you leave your missing tooth ignored for months, your jawbone starts to deteriorate over time. Our oral surgeons in Vancouver suggest these patients undergo bone graft surgery first in order to achieve an adequate amount of jawbone to support implants. That’s why patients who need this additional step should pay more money.

Tooth Removal: Sometimes, you need to have a tooth removed and immediately replaced by an implant. It can increase the price, but don’t forget about your insurance. We also offer an in-house program to make our implant services in Vancouver more affordable.

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